34th Anniversary Letter: Nov ’20

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Pastor and Lady O
34th Anniversary Appreciation
‘Shifted for Greater’ 1 Peter 5:10

Greetings First Met Family,

We pray this letter finds you and your family in good health and remaining safe.

November is Pastors’ Appreciation month. We, as the First Met Family, show thanks to our pastors, Drs. John and Evelyn Ogletree and their family, for their selfless love and dedication to our church family.

This reminder is from the Pastor Appreciation Team, letting you all know that on Saturday, November 21st at 9:00 am, we will celebrate our Pastors 34th Pastoral Anniversary with a Zoom Appreciation Breakfast.

Sunday, November 22nd, from 8 am to 9 am, we will honor our pastors with a Drive-Thru Appreciation held at the church. All our First Met Families will bring their cards and monetary gifts for our pastors during this time. You will not have to get out of your car! Our team will make provision for you to tender your gifts safely. Other options to tender your gifts are PUSH PAY, Cash App (the links are available on the anniversary webpage (https://myfirstmet.com/pastors-appreciation/), or by mail.

Following the Drive-Thru, at 10:00 am during our live stream, we will have Pastor Wm Dwight McKissic of the Cornerstone Baptist Church of Arlington, TX as our guest speaker. This sermon is one you won’t want to miss.

Our pastors have given of themselves to shepherd First Metropolitan Church for 34 incredible years. We hope that all the church will show their love and appreciation by coming regardless of whether you are giving a gift or not.

Our Colors are Cobalt Blue, Fuchsia, and a hint of Metallic Silver. Feel free to wear these colors in support of our pastors.

We want to thank you for joining

34th Anniversary: Nov. 2020

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Greetings First Met Family,

We pray this letter finds you doing well!

2020 began as a remarkable year with great expectations. But in many ways, it has been a year filled with unexpected and unforeseen challenges. During Covid-19, some in our congregation have lost family members, suffered from the disease, or lost employment, yet our church family continues to shift and thrive during these circumstances. To God be the glory for His faithfulness!

November is the month of giving thanks, and at First Met, we give thanks to God for our pastors John and Evelyn Ogletree and their family. The Pastor’s Appreciation Team invites you to join in this month of celebration. Our pastors have continued to deliver exceptional leadership to us. We have been blessed, as they shepherd us well despite the difficulties presented by the pandemic. Throughout the month, you can share your love individually or as a group or ministry.

This year marks the 34th Pastoral Anniversary. Although our ministry has shifted away from our campus, we want to honor our Pastors with an Appreciation Breakfast via Zoom on Saturday, November 21st, at 9:00 am. The Anniversary Service will take place on Sunday, November 22nd, during our 10 am livestream. Pastor Wm Dwight McKissic of the Cornerstone Baptist Church of Arlington, TX, will be the guest speaker.

On Sunday, November 22nd, from 8 am to 9 am, there will be a Drive-Thru Appreciation. We ask individuals and families to bring cards and gifts during this time. You will not have to get out of your car! Our team will make provisions for you to tender your cards or gifts safely. Other options to give are Push Pay, Cash App (the links are available on the anniversary webpage (https://myfirstmet.com/pastors-appreciation/) or by mail.

First Met members and families, we ask you to record a video with our media team a 30-60 second video congratulating our pastors and wishing them well. We will show the videos during the Zoom breakfast on the 21st. The link to schedule your private Zoom recording session is located on the anniversary webpage, mentioned above.

Thank you for joining us as we honor our spiritual leaders. We Are Better Together!

“Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.” 1 Timothy 5:17

In His Name,

Pastor’s Appreciation Team

Linda Burnett Elder Al Dugas
Deacon Michael Ford Minister Xavier Gilstrap
Elder Daniel Johnson Angie Wells
The Armor Bearer Ministry

November 2020 Worship

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Greetings First Met,

We have really enjoyed our in-person worship @ 8 am on Sundays during the month of October! As I stated to you when we went in, we would try it out for a month and see what the numbers are.  I love in-person worship and can’t wait to get back together, however the health of our members and out guests will always be my priority.  The medical authorities in Harris county have reported that  the Covid-19 numbers are rising in Houston and Harris County.  Therefore, we will cancel  in-person worship until further notice.  It looks like we will reconsider in January of 2021.  Be safe, wear your mask and use social distancing so we can gather back together one day – as God allows.

Please continue to join me and Lady O every Sunday morning by streaming at 10 am.  Don’t forget to like, share and comment during worship!   Invite other family, friends and co-workers to join you.  Host a watch party.  Let’s continue to worship and serve to the Glory of our God!

Shifting Together,

Pastor O


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Hello First Met,
This is our evangelism effort to spread the good news to the nations. Invite Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors.
There’s no doubt that the effects of COVID-19 have forced us to find alternative ways to connect, minister and care for the people in our church. We are forced to worship, communicate and give in a different mode, this being church online.
Now, to some of you online features are commonplace, but for many of you online activity has been the choice less taken.
COVD-19 has given us no other choice but to learn quickly.
We are all in new territory finding new ways to connect with all of our members, along with the entire city of Houston. This new online worship has also opened up the entire world to spread the gospel at the tips of our fingers. This new way of communicating is assisting us in fulfilling the Great Commission by God – to go ye into all of the world and make disciples. We are reaching more people than ever.
We love each other, but we must now be concerned with loving our neighbors as ourselves and increasing the Kingdom. We are shut in so we can prepare ourselves to SHIFT to doing church a new way with a new focus. God wants us to focus on Him, Our families, and His Mission for each of us.
We must start in our homes, teach it to our children and then to the outer most parts of the world. Our goal is to reach 5,000 homes. We can’t do it all by ourselves, but together we can get this done quickly. We have the time, we just need to put the Kingdom first. Here are some ways you can do your part.
Here are the ways we want you to do Online FRAN-gelism. You must intentionally attend online events.
1. Sermon – 10 am Sunday
2. Tea Talk Klub – 1 pm. Sunday
3. Bible Study – 7 pm. Wednesday
4. One 22 – Teens ____________
Next you will invite your Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors to attend our church services.
You will do this with your fingers not your feet. Using your cell phones, iPads, and computers you will use technology to “go make disciples all over this world” as the Bible has commanded us all to do.
1. Liking everything we put online
2. Commenting OR asking questions on each of them multiple times.
3. Sharing it several times to EVERYONE you know throughout the week as many times as you can to as many people you can.
4. Personally host a watch party EVERY Sunday and interact with your invited guest during the broadcast.
5. Invite others Family, Relatives and Associates, neighbors to join your watch party.
· If each OF US will commit to reaching our goal of 5,000 for Easter, we can do this.
· Personally set a goal of a minimum of 5 or more shares and 5 invites DAILY to view our Sunday EASTER ONLINE Worship, Tea Talk Time, Bible Study, etc., we can do this.
· If we do this, we will reach our goal quickly; all to the glory of our CHRIST.
***Note: Online sources include our website myfirstmet.com (livestream), YouTube, FaceBook/FaceBook Live (make sure to check in and follow us).